Monday, March 29, 2010

She's alive!!!

Whelp, after 3 long weeks I finally got my car back. She's absolutely beautiful!! Thanks to Don's Collision and the Allstate Check, she is like new!! They even removed "Fat Bitch" off the hood as a present to me! Thanks boys! She died on me Friday night and Saturday because she needed a new battery. so NOW she is running perfectly!

I know I haven't blogged in a while so let me catch you up on everything that is going on in our lives. Jake messed up his ankle playing soccer last Sunday. He broke off a quarter of an inch of bone off , and then fractured another bone in the ankle area. He's going to have to see a Orthopedic Specialist because the doctor believes he tore ligaments and tendons as well. All I can see, and hear, is $$$$$$$. We still have a roommate and now with this accident.. I dont see him moving out anytime in the near future.

My son will be 1 on May 12th. I can't believe it! I'm about to have a one year old. Is this true!?!? That first year went by so fast... just like everyone said it would. Good thing I took lots of pictures to remember all the fun stages. NOW the fun part...SHOPPING for birthday stuff! I need to start looking for invitations, party themes, food, locations.... all the fun stuff!!! My big boy is starting to eat "real food". He's already to the point where he wants to be independent and do things himself. Much more of this 'tude and he can change his diaper himself! HA I keed. He is LOVING being able to feed himself. He ate banana, steamed carrot and potatoes last night using his little pinchers. He's such a big boy! I give him another month and he'll be walking. He's cruising, at a very high speed, around all the furniture and is "rearranging" where Hercules' kennel needs to be. He likes to push it around the dining room! His top 2 teeth are coming down and it makes him look so old! Total of 4 teeth! Whoo Hoo. He's our big boy... wearing 18 month clothes! :) I disobeyed the law and turned his "big boy carseat" around early. He now sits in the middle, facing forward. He loves every minute of it!!
*** I'm "proofing" my blog and just realized how many times I said "BIG BOY". Wow, sorry, I'll find a new adjective for next blog.***

I think I've reached a hump on my weight loss. I'm at a loss of 15 pounds right now. My goal is 30 by July. I've learned to maintain the weight, not gaining any back, and I'm content with my weight loss... for right now. I'm still eating healhty, with an occasional cheat here and there, and the only exercise I'm getting is chasing Peyton around the house. My soccer "career" as officially ended with Jake's accident. We can't afford it, nor can we afford having both of us gimp.

Thats all for now folks!

Much love

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