Tuesday, January 26, 2010

7 pounds and counting...

So, if you read my last blog you will know that "Fat Bitch" was etched into the hood of my car back in December. Thank you random keyer, you gave me that little oompf I needed to lose weight! I began my jouney on January 4th and have lost 7 pounds so far. I lost the majority of that weight [6 pounds] the first week. I really was able to feel like the contestants on Biggest Loser, shocked by the amount of weight lost in the first week. Even more so when the dreaded 2nd week came along and I lost 1 1/2 pounds. This past week I hadn't been as strict on my diet and ended up gaining 1/2 pound. I cant be upset with that, because the overall picture is 7 pounds in 4 weeks. This is without working out.... and real food. I feel like a damn rabbit with all the vegetables and salads I've been eating. Oh well, it's paying off and people are starting to notice! Those notices from friends, family and even a daycare worker, push me to lose more weight. My goal is 30 pounds by July 4th. I'm giving myself 6 months to lose it and also learn how to maintain that weight. For me, I'm not wanting to just drop the pounds, but also learn a new lifestyle and keep that "cottage cheese" off! Ha. Ha. Sorry that was graphic. Even without a dramatic weight loss, I'm already starting to feel better about myself. My pants are fitting MUCH better, I don't crave the "bad" things I used to eat and it's nice to only have one chin! :)

Jake and I have decided to put together a co-ed indoor soccer league. This will be my excercise for the time being. I've never played soccer, I'm not in shape, so this is definitely going to be an interesting experience. I'm looking forward to doing it and also being able to spend time with my husband. After that... co ed softball!! YES!

Peyton is growing like a little weed; an adorable one at that! He's currently 8 1/2 months old and all over the place! He's the quickest little crawler I have ever seen. He constantly is darting over to Hercules' food and water bowl to play in it. Geesh! I have to say, I've definitely been more alert now that he is crawling. There is no going back from here. My life will NEVER slow down... so I've been told. I am absolutely loving this stage though. He's back to sleeping all night again. Thank the Lord. He'll wake up about 5:30 to have some milk and back down to sleep until 7:30. He's such a joy in the mornings, not a cranky baby AT ALL. He must get that from me.... :| He is constantly crawling to new objects to pull himself up on: Coffee Table, Inn Table, Herc's kennel and newly.. the toilet. Don't worry, the seat is down. I will not have my little one playing in toilet water.. believe me. He just likes to pound on the seat like a drum. He has been saying "Mama" for a while now, but recently said "Mommy" and "daddadadadad". That made Jake feel great! I absolutely love my little man!

Well, thats all I have to report. I'll report back later with hopefully so more good news of shedding those pounds!!

Much Love!!