Friday, February 12, 2010


Earlier today I was on facebook, which never happens [insert sarcasm here], and I was invited to become a friend of "Bitter Waiter." I saw that my sister was friends with him, or it, and decided I should do it as well. It sounds funny. This is a man who writes a blog about his career; waiting tables. It could possibly be one of the funniest blogs I've ever read. Now I know how you guys feel when you read mine! HA JOKE! Anyways, as I read all of his blogs I feel that I can totally relate to each run in of Amernians, hillbillies, birthday bitches wanting anything and everything free, rambunctious children throwing their dinner on the floor while the drunken parents aren't paying any attention to them doing this, people that tip crappy or those that don't tip at all, the "hot messes" that can't hold their alcohol, and last but not least... the oh-so-subtle-hand-wave-letting-us-know-your-water-glass-is empty, that he describes in his blog. It makes me have flashbacks to the day when I waited tables. A big shout out to "bitter waiter" for making me realize WHY I dont wait tables anymore. I will remove any and every thought about "aww I miss waiting tables" out of my mind! Its not true!! If you've never waited tables.. dont. If you have waited tables.. dont go back. If you are currently waiting tables... get out while you can!! I'm sure feeding food to a pack of yipping chihuaha's would be equally as annoying, and gratifying as waiting tables would be. Not to mention, the pay might be the same.

To those who've waited tables I definitely encourage you to check out his blog : Whenever you are feeling like your life sucks, read his blog. If you are having a crappy day, read his blog, it will cheer you up. Last but not least, if you are thinking about waiting tables and you've never done it, read his blog. It will definitely make you change your mind!!!

Much Love!!


  1. So I am definitely checking this blog out! Four years at Chili's made me want to stay in school! Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Ha. Ha. I'm totally the same way! I grew patience for my son and lost patience for ignorance! :)
